Daviess County - Indiana Criminal Code 2022
acquired vehicle, the person must have in the person’s possession a: (A) manufacturer’s certificate of ori gin; (B) certificate of title; or (C) bill of sale; indicating that the person owns the vehi cle to which the unexpired license plates are affixed. (3) For not more than forty-five (45) days after the date on which the person acquires the vehicle from a dealer licensed under IC 9-32, if the person displays on the newly acquired vehicle a valid and unexpired interim plate issued under IC 9-32-6-11. (4) If the person acquires the vehicle from a person other than a dealer licensed under IC 9-32, for: (A) not more than seventy-two (72) hours after the date of acquisition; and (B) the sole purpose of transporting the vehicle by the most direct route from the place of acquisition to:
9-18.1-4-4. Display of license plates. 9-18.1-4-5. Vehicle may not operate on highway with license plate belonging to another vehicle. 9-18.1-4-8. Knowing sale or possession. 9-18.1-4-2. Rules. (a) The bureau shall adopt rules under IC 4 22-2 regarding the size, character, and content of a certificate of registration. (b) A certificate of registration or a legible reproduction of the certificate of registration must be carried: (1) in the vehicle to which the registra tion refers; or (2) by the individual operating or in con trol of the vehicle, who shall display the registration upon the demand of a police officer. (c) An individual who fails to carry a certifi cate of registration or a legible reproduction of a certificate of registration as required under sub section (b) commits a Class C infraction. 9-18.1-4-4. Display of license plates. (a) License plates, shall be displayed on a vehicle as follows: (1) For a tractor, a dump truck, or a truck with a rear-mounted forklift or a mecha nism to carry a rear-mounted forklift or implement, upon the front of the vehicle. (2) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), for every other vehicle, upon the rear of the vehicle. (b) A license plate shall be: (1) securely fastened, in a horizontal or upright position to that displays the regis tration expiration year in the upper right corner, to the vehicle for which the plate is issued: (A) to prevent the license plate from swinging; (B) at a height of at least twelve (12) inches from the ground, measuring from the bottom of the license plate; and (C) in a place and position that are clearly visible; (2) maintained free from foreign materials and in a condition to be clearly legible; and
(i) a place of storage, including the person’s residence or place of business; (ii) an inspection station for pur poses of emissions testing under IC 13-17-5-5.1(b); or (iii) a license branch or a location operated by a full service provider (as defined in IC 9-14.1-1-2) or a partial services provider (as defined in IC 9-14.1-1-3) to register the vehicle under this article.
While operating the vehicle, the person must have in the person’s possession a certificate of title indicating that the person owns the vehicle. 9-18.1-2-12. Knowingly or intentionally not registering vehicle. Aperson that knowingly or intentionally owns a motor vehicle that is registered outside Indiana but that is required to be registered in Indiana commits a Class B misdemeanor. Chapter 4. Proof of Registration [Portions Omitted]. 9-18.1-4-2. Rules.
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