Daviess County - Indiana Criminal Code 2022



from the bureau that bears an electronic signature is admissible in a court proceeding as if the copy were the original. ARTICLE 18.1. MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION AND LICENSE PLATES. [PORTIONS OMITTED] Chapter 2. Application [Portions Omitted]. 9-18.1-2-6. Non-resident that becomes an Indiana res ident. 9-18.1-2-8. Operation of vehicle on highway without registering the vehicle.. 9-18.1-2-12. Knowingly or intentionally not registering vehicle. 9-18.1-2-6. Non-resident that becomes an Indiana resident. Anonresident that becomes an Indiana resident may operate a vehicle on a highway for not more than sixty (60) days after becoming an Indiana res ident without registering the vehicle under this arti cle if the vehicle is registered in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the nonresi dent was a resident. 9-18.1-2-8. Operation of vehicle on highway without registering the vehicle. A person that acquires a vehicle may operate the vehicle on a highway without registering the vehicle under this article under the following con ditions: (1) For the length of a temporary permit issued under the following: (A) IC 9-18-7-1 (before its expiration on December 31, 2016). (B) IC 9-18-7-4 (before its expiration on December 31, 2016). (2) For not more than forty-five (45) days after the date on which the person acquires the vehicle, if the person displays on the newly acquired vehicle a valid and unex pired license plate transferred from another vehicle that the person disposes of by sale or other means. While operating the newly (C) IC 9-18.1-12-2. (D) IC 9-18.1-12-3.

designed for navigation on water, including a ves sel, boat, motor vessel, steam vessel, sailboat, vessel operated by machinery either permanently or temporarily affixed, scow, tugboat, or any marine equipment that is capable of carrying pas sengers. (b) The term does not include a craft that: (1) is powered by its occupants, including a canoe, rowboat, or paddleboat; and (2) does not contain any type of mechan ical propellant, including internal com bustion, steam, or electrical inboard or outboard motor or engine. 9-13-2-200. “Worksite” defined. “Worksite” means a location or area upon which: (1) a public purpose construction or main tenance activity; or (2) a private purpose construction or main tenance activity that is authorized by a governmental agency; is being performed on a highway. The term includes the lanes of a highway leading up to the area upon which an activity described in subdi vision (1) or (2) is being performed, beginning at the point where appropriate signs directing vehi cles to merge from one (1) lane into another lane are posted. ARTICLE 14. BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES 9-14-12-5. Certified records; admissibility in court. 9-14-12-5. Certified records; admissibility in court. (a) Upon receiving a request that complies with section 4 of this chapter, the bureau shall pre pare and deliver a certified copy of any record of the bureau that is not otherwise declared by law to be confidential. (b) Acertified copy of a record obtained under subsection (a) is admissible in a court proceeding as if the copy were the original. However, a driv ing record maintained under section 3 of this chapter is not admissible as evidence in any action for damages arising out of a motor vehicle acci dent. (c) An electronic record of the bureau obtained

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