Kirby Risk Connected Fall 2022
continue, and we will see continued supply chain disruptions and increasing production costs leading to more price increases. Kirby Risk has learned that some manufacturers predict this volatility could continue into 2024. Switchgear, automation products and fusing, alongside products that contain high levels of steel, copper and resins will likely continue to be impacted until demand slows or manufacturing capacity improves. MEET SUPPLY CHAIN CHALLENGES HEAD-ON As companies begin their 2023 budget and planning process, they need to prepare for supply chain challenges and learn how to implement or leverage strategies designed to minimize or alleviate ongoing inventory issues. START THE PLANNING PROCESS WITH SOME KEY QUESTIONS W ill projects be delayed due to long product lead times? W ill projects be cancelled due to budget constraints driven by the increasing cost of products? W ill economic conditions force mid-year budget adjustments? PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS R eview your 12-24 month forecasts if you are an OEM. B uy 6-12 months ahead on consumables or repeat buys. P repare ahead of time for facility shutdowns or capital Engineered to Order type of projects by purchasing 12-18 months ahead. L everage services, spares and repair agreements to fill the gaps in delayed material deliveries. P lan and stay ahead of the ongoing challenges in the market by working with a Kirby Risk Account Manager, Specialists and/or Business Consultant. STAY AHEAD OF SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTIONS WITH SERVICE SOLUTIONS Whether you need project management or project storage, Kirby Risk Strategic Services can help you bridge the budget gap in 2023. We support your inventory management needs ranging from on-site storage lockers, crib or inventory management, job trailers and project staging to logistics. In addition to inventory management, Kirby Risk can aid in
developing asset management or repair and remanufacturing programs in order to support critical spares and new product lead time concerns. By thoroughly assessing your project needs, our experienced team will build a solution designed to deliver results and optimize processes that increase your business efficiency. Our team is committed to providing you the highest quality products while working with our manufacturer partners to ensure the right product offerings, in-stock inventory and quickest possible delivery. Strategic planning and budgeting will be key to a successful and profitable 2023 as predicted expectations show continued supply chain disruptions coupled with strong demand and increasing price volatility. Ask your Kirby Risk Account Manager today how we can help you plan for the future!
In a world of constant technological advancements, don’t get left behind. Connect with Kirby Risk to learn how you can stay at the forefront of your industry.
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