Daviess County - Indiana Criminal Code 2022
(C) otherwise authorized by law. (e) The bureau may not assess points under the point system for a violation of this section occur ring before July 1, 2021. ARTICLE 24. DRIVERS LICENSES [PORTIONS OMITTED] . Ch. 1. Individuals Required to Obtain a License or Permit Ch. 6.1. Commercial Driver’s License Ch. 13. Rights and Duties of Licenses Ch. 18. General Penalty Provisions Ch. 19. Penalty Provisions for Operating Motor VehicleWith Suspended or Revoked Driving Privileges, Licenses or Permits (a) Except as provided in this section 7 of this chapter, an individual must have a valid Indiana: (1) driver’s license; or (2) permit; Including any necessary endorsements, issued to the individual by the bureau to operate upon a highway the type of motor vehicle for which the driver’s license, endorsement, or permit was issued. (b) An individual must have: (1) an unexpired identification card with a Class B motor driven cycle endorsement issued to the individual by the bureau under IC 9-24-16; to operate a motor driven cycle upon a highway. (c) An individual who violates this section commits a Class C infraction. Chapter 6.1 Commercial Drivers License [Portions Omitted] 9-24-6.1-2. Adoption of rules, commercial driver’s license. 9-24-6.1-3. Penalty, operating CDL without license or permit. (2) a valid driver’s license; or (3) a valid learner’s permit. Chapter 1. Individuals Required to Obtain a License or Permit [Portions Omitted] 9-24-1-1. No operator’s license. 9-24-1-1. No operator’s license.
vidually or grouped together, weigh at least two thousand two hundred sixty-eight (2,268) kilo grams (five thousand (5,000) pounds), as pro vided in 49 CFR 393.120, unless the operator of the commercial motor vehicle transporting the metal coil or coils is certified in proper load securement as provided in 49 CFR 393.120. (e) The department of revenue shall adopt and enforce rules under IC 4-22-2 concerning the certification in proper load securement (as pro vided in 49 CFR 393.120) of operators of com mercial motor vehicles engaged in the commercial transport of one (1) or more metal coils, as pro vided in 49 CFR 393.120. The rules adopted under this subsection must recognize metal coil shipping certificates issued by other states. (f) A person who knowingly or intentionally violates subsection (c) or (d) commits a Class A misdemeanor. 9-21-8-59. Texting while operating motor vehicle. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) and (c) a person may not hold or use a telecommuni cations device while operating a moving motor vehicle. (b) A telecommunications device may be used in conjunction with hands free or voice operated technology. (c) A telecommunications device may be used or held to call 911 to report a bona fide emergency. (d) A police officer may not, without the con sent of the person: (1) confiscate a telecommunications device for the purpose of determining compli ance with this section; (2) confiscate a telecommunications device and retain it as evidence pending trial for a violation of this section; or (3) extract or otherwise download infor mation from a telecommunications device for a violation of this section unless:
(A) the police officer has probable cause to believe that the telecommu nications device has been used in the commission of a crime; (B) the information is extracted or oth erwise downloaded under a valid search warrant; or
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