Daviess County - Indiana Criminal Code 2022
All signals required under this chapter may be given by hand and arm. A signal given under this section shall be given from the left side of the vehi cle in the following manner: (1) A left turn is indicated by extending the hand and arm horizontally. (2) A right turn is indicated by extending the hand and arm upward. (3) A stop or decreased speed is indicated by extending the hand and arm downward. 9-21-8-29. Yielding to vehicle on right at intersection. Except when approaching through highways and areas in which signs are posted giving other instructions, when two (2) vehicles approach or enter an intersection from different highways at approximately the same time, the person who drives the vehicle on the left shall yield the right of-way to the vehicle on the right. 9-21-8-30. Left turn; yielding to oncoming vehicles. Aperson who drives a vehicle within an inter section intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle approaching from the opposite direction that is within the intersection or so close to the intersection as to constitute an immediate hazard. After yielding and giving a sig nal as required by this chapter, the person who drives the vehicle may make the left turn, and the persons who drive other vehicles approaching the intersection from the opposite direction shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle making the left turn. 9-21-8-31. Entering through highway; yielding. (a) A person who drives a vehicle shall do the following: (1) Stop as required under this article at the entrance to a through highway. (2) Yield the right-of-way to other vehicles that have entered the intersection from the through highway or that are approaching so closely on the through highway as to constitute an immediate hazard. (b) After yielding as described in subsection (a)(2), the person who drives a vehicle may pro ceed and persons who drive other vehicles approaching the intersection on the through high-
(2) Turn a vehicle from a direct course upon a highway; or (3) Change from one (1) traffic lane to another; unless the movement can be made with reasonable safety. (b) Before making a movement described in this section, a person shall provide notice of the person’s intention by giving: (1) a clearly audible horn signal if any pedestrian may be affected by the move ment and (2) give an appropriate stop or turn signal in the manner provided in sections 27 through 28 of this chapter. 9-21-8-26. Sudden stop. A person may not stop or suddenly decrease the speed of a vehicle without first giving an appropriate signal to a person who drives a vehi cle immediately to the rear when there is oppor tunity to give a signal. 9-21-8-27. Signaling stop or turn by hand signals. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a stop or turn signal required under this chapter may be given by means of the hand and arm or by a signal lamp or lamps or mechanical signal device. (b) This subsection does not apply to farm tractors and implements of agriculture designed to be operated primarily in a farm field or on farm premises. A motor vehicle in use on a highway must be equipped with and a required signal shall be given by a signal lamp or lamps or mechani cal signal device when either of the following conditions exist: (1) The distance from the center of the top of the steering post to the left outside limit of the body, cab, or load of the motor vehi cle exceeds twenty-four (24) inches. (2) The distance from the center of the top of the steering post to the rear limit of the body or load of the motor vehicle exceeds fourteen (14) feet. This measurement applies to a single vehicle and a combina tion of vehicles.
9-21-8-28. Hand and arm signals.
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