Daviess County - Indiana Criminal Code 2022



9-21-8-42 .........................................50

highway; crossing state highway - 9-21-8-45 .........................................51 passing when approaching worksite - 9-21-8-7.5 ........................................44 penalties - 9-21-8-49 ..............................51 reckless driving - 9-21-8-52 ...................52 reckless operation of a tractor-trailer combination - 9-21-8-50..................51 restricting trucks to certain lanes; direction signals - 9-21-8-3 .............43 rotary traffic islands - 9-21-8-10 ............44 roundabout, yield right of way - 9-21-8-10.5 ......................................44 safe passing on left - 9-21-8-7 ...............44 safe stops, turns or lane changes; signals - 9-21-8-24...........................46 school zones - 9-21-8-41.5 .....................50 signaling stop or turn by hand signals - 9-21-8-27...........................47 staying to right; no crossing barrier - 9-21-8-17 .........................................45 stop signs at through highways - 9-21-8-32 .........................................48 stopping at railroad crossing - 9-21-8-39 .........................................49 sudden stop - 9-21-8-26 .........................47 texting while operating motor vehicle - 9-21-8-59 ..........................54 truck following another truck too close - 9-21-8-15 .............................45 trucks in right-hand lanes on interstates - 9-21-8-12 .....................45 trucks in right-hand lanes on interstates where 3 or more lanes - 9-21-8-13 .............................45 turning at intersection - 9-21-8-21 .........46 unsafe start - 9-21-8-23 ..........................46 use of compression release engine brake in Porter County prohibited - 9-21-8-44.5 ..................50

entering highway from private road -

9-21-8-34 .........................................48

entering or exiting freeway; Uturns

on freeway - 9-21-8-19....................46

entering through highway; yielding -

9-21-8-31 .........................................47

failing to allow passing; improper

passing on left - 9-21-8-5 ................43

failure to dim headlights -

9-21-8-51 .........................................51 following too close - 9-21-8-14 .............45 following too close in a caravan - 9-21-8-16 .........................................45 freeways; local ordinances prohibiting bicycles, etc. - 9-21-8-20.................46 golf carts and other off-road vehicles - 9-21-8-57.........................53 hand and arm signals - 9-21-8-28 ..........47 highway work zone penalties - 9-21-8-56 .........................................53 improper passing on right - 9-21-8-6 ...........................................43 improper U-turn - 9-21-8-22 ..................46 interstate transport of metal coils - 9-21-8-58 .........................................53 lane movement - single lane - 9-21-8-11.5 ......................................45 lane movement - unsafe; rules for 3 lanes - 9-21-8-11...........................44 leaky load - 9-21-8-48 ............................51 left of center - 9-21-8-2 ..........................42 left turn; yielding to oncoming vehicles - 9-21-8-30.........................47 obstruction of driver’s view or operation - 9-21-8-43.......................50 operating implement of agriculture on interstate highway - 9-21-8-46 .........................................51 operation of farm wagon on interstate

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