Daviess County - Indiana Criminal Code 2022



received license; burden of proof - 9-24-18-1 .............................57 penalty - 9-24-13-5.................................56 person owning motor vehicle permitting unauthorized person to drive - 9-24-18-4 .........................57 person with custody of motor vehicle permitting unauthorized person to drive - 9-24-18-3 .........................57 unauthorized possession, display, use, or sale of license or permit; fraudulent procurement of license or permit - 9-24-18-2...........57

obstructing or interferring with a

firefighter - 35-44.1-4-8 ................222

person improperly entering

emergency incident area - 35-44.1-4-7 ....................................222

public safety remote interference -

35-44.1-4-10 ..................................222

refusing to leave emergency incident

area - 35-44.1-4-5 ..........................221

Escape; failure to return to lawful

detention - 35-44.1-3-4........................218

Exceptions - 35-45-11-1 .............................243

Driving while supsended

burden of proof on defendant -

Exploitation of dependent or endangered adult - 35-46-1-12................................256

9-24-19-7 .........................................59

operating while suspended or

revoked as result of offense - 9-24-19-3 .........................................58


convicted felon processing,

operating while suspended or

manufacturing, transporting or distributing a regulated explosive - 35-47.5-5-3 ....................................312

revoked; Class A infraction - 9-24-19-1 .........................................58 operating while suspended or revoked; prior information violation; Class A misdemeanor - 9-24-19-2 ................58 rebuttable presumption of knowledge of suspension - 9-24-19-8................59

deploying a booby trap -

35-47.5-5-10 ..................................312

distributing regulated explosive to a

convicted felon - 35-47.5-5-4........312

distribution to a minor -

35-47.5-5-5 ....................................312

Drug dealing resulting in death

hindering or obstructing detection or disarming of a destructive

35-42-1-1.5 ...........................................162

device - 35-47.5-5-7 ......................312


manufacturing, processing,

transporting, distributing or using a hoax device - 35-47.5-5-6 ..........312

Emergency services and firefighters firefighter improperly refusing to leave emergency incident

non-application of chapter -

35-47.5-5-1 ....................................311

area - 35-44.1-4-6 ..........................222

possessing, transporting, receiving,

obstructing an emergency medical

placing or detonating a destructive device - 35-47.5-5-8 ......................312

person - 35-44.1-4-9 ......................222

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